Procedural By-Law Review


Procedural By-Law Review

We are reviewing our Procedural By-Law. The by-law is a set structure that guides processes for Council and committee meetings to carry out the business of the Municipality. The by-law outlines: how Council members cast their votes, how late Council meetings can run, conduct for Council, how residents delegate and interact with Council and how public meetings are communicated to residents.

We want to know how you feel about:

  • Participation in Council meetings such as delegation, presentations, written submissions and petitions and electronic participation in meetings.
  • Any other parts of the bylaw you think can be improved.

How your feedback will be used:

Results of public feedback will be considered along side an analysis of comparator community practices and guided by members of Council and Staff with the goals of:

  • Creating effective and efficient meetings
  • Providing clarity and ease of participation for the public

The public commenting period ended February 1, 2022. Following a review of community feedback, a new Procedural By-law will be drafted and presented to Council for consideration.

Proposed Timeline 2022

Phase 1 (January): Engagement and Benchmarking Council and Public consultation and engagement - Public commenting period ended February 1, 2022.

Phase 2 (February-May): Learning and Scoping - review items from engagement, best practices, what works and what does not work with current By-Law. Determine priorities, issues and opportunities to be explored - completed

Phase 3 (September): Draft By-Law and Assessment – identify housekeeping/administrative amendments, identify substantive amendments and identify proposed changes for consideration. Clerk to provide presentation of the review, amendments and a copy of the proposed draft By-Law - completed, staff reports to September 6 & September 20, 2022 Regular Council meetings

Phase 4 (October) : Procedural By-Law (with any revisions) to Council and Notice of intention to Pass - in progress - final revised amendments to October 3, 2022 Council meeting for Council consideration

Communication Plan 

For any further information please reach out to the Clerk, Rebekah Msuya-Collison, at 519-235-0310 x227 or Deputy Clerk, Alex Wolfe, at 519-235-0310 x224  


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For information in alternative formats or assistance accessing information, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-235-0310. 

© 2020 The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6