Notice of No Appeals - MV09-2021 - 60 Victoria Ave East, Crediton


The Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron 

Notice of No Appeals

Under Section 45 of the Planning Act,R.S.O. 1990

Re:     Minor Variance Application File #:      MV09-2021

Location:     Plan 215, Lot 3 ( 60 Victoria Ave East, Crediton)

Applicant:    Baker Planning Group

Owner:         RSJ Construction

Take Notice that the statutory time for filing an appeal against the decision of the South Huron Committee of Adjustment made on the above referenced application has now elapsed and

No appeals have been received

The Decision of the Committee is now final and binding.

Purpose and Effect

A semi-detached building is proposed to be built on the subject lands and then subsequently divided into two properties. In preparation for this work, this application proposes to vary Section 19.5 of the South Huron Zoning By-law to reduce the minimum required side yards for the unattached side of the proposed building from 3 metres to 2.3 metres and to reduce the minimum frontage requirement from 15 metres to 9.5 metres when each dwelling unit is on a separate property.

