The Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron
Notice of No Appeals
Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990
Re: Minor Variance Application File #: MV11-2021
Location: CON 7 PT LOT 13 S PT LOT 14 (70618 ELIMVILLE LINE)
Applicant: Colleen Kerslake
Owner: Colleen Kerslake
Take Notice that the statutory time for filing an appeal against the decision of the South Huron Committee of Adjustment made on the above referenced application has now elapsed and
No appeals have been received
The Decision of the Committee is now final and binding.
Purpose and Effect
This application proposes to vary Section 4.6.3 of the South Huron Zoning By-law to reduce the required Minimum Distance Setback (MDS) requirements for a proposed new farm house. The requested reductions are to reduce the MDS requirement from two livestock operations:
1) 70542 Elimville Line: from 533 metres to 366 metres from the manure storage tank and from 481 metres to 370 metres from the livestock barn; and
2) 70563 Elimville Line: from 648 metres to 460 metres from the manure storage tank and from 609 metres to 436 metres from the livestock barn.