With the recent rainfall received over the weekend, the Huron County Fire Chiefs have lifted the Open-Air Fire Ban
Please contact your local Fire Department for current rules and regulations regarding Open Air Burns.
Howick Township – 519-335-3202 North Huron – 226-523-9500
Morris Turnberry – 519-527-0106 x28 Central Huron – 519-482-3043
Bluewater – 519-236-4351 Huron East- 519-527-0160 x28
South Huron 519-235-1981 Goderich -519-440-9166
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (Lucknow Fire Zone) 519-395-3735 x164
Thank you for your patience and understanding while the fire ban was in place.
For more information:
Chad Kregar, Huron County Fire Coordinator