Zoning By-law


A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly:
  • how land may be used
  • where buildings and other structures can be located
  • the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
  • the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and densities (the number of people, jobs and building floor area per hectare), and setbacks from the street

Zoning by-law 


In any situation where the printed zoning maps or text document of the Municipality of South Huron differs from electronic versions contained in this website, the official printed publications take precedence. Users of this electronic information should verify it with the printed official information before acting on it. Official versions of all zoning maps and related information can be obtained from the Planning Department.


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For information in alternative formats or assistance accessing information, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-235-0310. 

© 2020 The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6