South Huron's Climate Change Video Series

The Municipality of South Huron is welcoming the community to enjoy a free, monthly online series of informative videos focusing on practical ways the community can adapt to a changing climate. The video series features both local and national experts and is hosted by South Huron’s Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee. Each video will contain practical information on various themes that are relevant to our community, including: Agricultural practices, Energy Efficiency, Flood Protection, Green Infrastructure/Low Impact Development, Stewardship, Tree Planting and Grants, Waste Reduction and Water and Wastewater. The series will also include climate mitigation information as it works along with adaptation efforts.
In 2020, the Municipality of South Huron developed South Huron’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy with financial support provided by the Government of Canada through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP). South Huron Council adopted the strategy on September 8, 2020.
The strategy has a vision of “A future-ready South Huron that is resilient to the impacts of a changing climate.” The strategy is comprised of eight goals to help achieve the vision. This video series is an action item under Goal 2: Support municipal and community resilience awareness and action.
Read the full news release about South Huron's Climate Change Video Series Rising to the Challenge.

Ask the Expert: Have questions about a video or wish to learn more about the content? Contact Stacey Jeffery, Community Relations Manager and we will connect you with the information you are looking for.
Introduction to South Huron's Video Series Rising to the Challenge
Release Date: June 18, 2021
Video Description: Join South Huron's Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee Chair Steve Boles and Stacey Jeffery from the Municipality of South Huron as they set the stage for South Huron's video Series Rising to the Challenge. They will provide the community with an overview of South Huron's Climate Adaptation Strategy, the work of the Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Committee and what information the video series will provide the community over the next few months.
Trees, Stewardship, Grants and Preparing for the Future
Release Date: June 25, 2021
Video Description: Ian Jean, Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist with the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority will be highlighting how tree planting, forest management, and stewardship – with grant and staff support – can reduce our impact on climate change and help us build resiliency and help South Huron to adapt to weather extremes and our changing climate.
Learn more about trees and climate change with two additional videos prepared by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority:
- Ten Reasons to Plant Trees
- Counter-balancing carbon footprint by planting trees through Carbon Footprints to Forests
Valuing Green Infrastructure
Release Date: July 23, 2021
Video Description: Building, protecting and enhancing South Huron’s natural environmental features to help us adapt to extreme weather and our changing climate as presented by Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds Technician; and Tommy Kokas, Water Resources Engineer, both with the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority.
Resources mentioned in this video:
- Unflood Ontario
- Rain Community Solutions | Helping Municipalities and Property Owners Manage Rain Where it Falls
- Green Infrastructure Guide for Small Cities, Towns and Rural Communities - Greenbelt Foundation
- Green Infrastructure Ontario
- Huronview Demo Farm
- Rain Gardens (Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority)
- Bayfield Stormwater Stroll
Home Flood Protection
Release Date: September 24, 2021
Video Description: South Huron’s climate is changing, and an increase in high-intensity rain events is one of the impacts that our community is vulnerable to. Basement floods are predicted to increase in line with the high-intensity rain events and will impact our residents’ physical health, mental stress, property loss, and cost of insurance. Join Cheryl Evans from the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation and Larry Freiburger from AET Group as they uncover some of the common myths about home flooding and the many actions that residents can take to reduce the impact of flooding on their properties.
Resources related to this video:
- Quick Self-Help Resources
- Short Intact Centre How-To Videos
- Learn More about Flood Insurance
- Learn More about AET Group
- Home Flood Protection - AET
- Register for a Home Flood Protection Assessment
- Flooding in Canada: Why Is It Happening, and What Are We Doing About It?
- Larry Freiburger, Director of Operations (email:
- Learn More about the Intact Centre
- Intact Centre Home Page
- Home Flood Protection Program Page
- Water on the Rise: Protecting Canadian Homes from the Growing Threat of Flooding: Executive Summary
- Cheryl Evans, Director of Flood and Wildfire Resilience (email:
Opportunities to Reduce Your Waste
Release Date: October 22, 2021
Video Description: This week is the 20th anniversary Waste Reduction Week in Canada (October 18-24, 2021) - a great opportunity to have a conversation about waste! Join our experts to learn more about why it is important to know what to put in your recycling bin (Francis Veilleux from Bluewater Recycling Association), how you can reduce the amount of waste you produce in your personal life (Eco Exeter) and how businesses might incorporate waste reduction into their daily practices (Michael and Lindsay Groot from Wholesome Pastures). Waste reduction doesn't have to be complicated - this video will show you where to start!
Resources related to this video:
Conservation and Innovative Farming Practices
Release Date: February 15, 2022
Video Description: Strang Farms is dedicated to growing a business that “the next generation will be proud to continue” – a strong focus on conservation and innovative farming practices is in the forefront of their growth strategy.
Learn more about Strang Farms or follow Mike Strang on Twitter (@farmerstrang)
Efficiency Improvements for Comfort and Affordability
Release Date: April 12, 2022
Video Description: There are many ways you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time – often these tips are readily available and present in our everyday lives –utility providers regularly promote practical tips on using your energy efficiently while saving you money. With this information so readily available – it is important to highlight the efficiency tips that are not as frequently promoted but just as applicable.
Join Councillor Marissa Vaughan to learn more about efficient driving techniques (known as Eco-Driving) and Justin Mason, Energy Advisor, to learn more about improving energy efficiency in your home or business through the use of energy audits and grants.
Contact Us
The Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, P.O. Box 759
Exeter, ON N0M 1S6
Phone: 519-235-0310
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