A Master Plan identifies long-term strategies for servicing existing needs and accommodate future population growth.
Projects and Initiatives
Water and Wastewater Master Plan
Opportunities for Public Input
There are no current opportunities for public input for this project.
The following public meetings were held as part of this project:
- Public information centre held on April 16, 2024 to provide details about the study, the process used to decide possible solutions and the preferred servicing strategies, as well as allowing the public the opportunity to share comments and concerns. Members of the project team will be available at the PIC to answer questions and discuss the study progress to date.
This Master Plan Update will aim to develop and evaluate the optimal water and wastewater servicing strategies to support the needs of existing users and to support potential population and employment growth within the Municipality. This is a critical component in the integrated planning process and will provide the framework and vision for the water and wastewater servicing needs for the Municipality of South Huron. The Master Plan Update will form the basis for future, more detailed investigations for projects that are subject to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Don Giberson, General Manager of Infrastructure and Development
Julien Bell, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
330 Trillium Drive, Unit D, Kitchener, ON N2E 3J2
Phone: 519-748-1440
Email: Julien.bell@gmblueplan.ca
Project Status:
In Progress

Project Approval
The Municipality of South Huron retained GM BluePlan Engineering to update the municipal Water and Wastewater Master Plan.
Project Background
The project commenced in 2022 with a review of the previous Water and Wastewater Master Plan that was completed in 2018. A thorough review was conducted of all relevant background information, studies, reports, capital budgets, Asset Management Plan and planning/development documents completed since the previous master plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the study being undertaken?
The Water and Wastewater Master Plan Update will be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process for Master Planning. The study is being undertaken based on Phases 1 and 2 of the Class EA processes for Master Plans.
What is the purpose of the Master Plan update?
This Master Plan Update will aim to develop and evaluate the optimal water and wastewater servicing strategies to support the needs of existing users and to support potential population and employment growth within the Municipality. This is a critical component in the integrated planning process and will provide the framework and vision for the water and wastewater servicing needs for the Municipality of South Huron. The Master Plan Update will form the basis for future, more detailed investigations for projects that are subject to the Environmental Assessment Act.
What is the timeline for the project?
The project commenced in 2022 with a review of the previous Water and Wastewater Master Plan that was completed in 2018. A thorough review was conducted of all relevant background information, studies, reports, capital budgets, Asset Management Plan and planning/development documents completed since the previous master plan.
The Notice of Study Commencement was issued in October 2023. First Nations, agency and public consultation commenced at that time.
A Notice of Public Information Centre was issued in March 2024. A Public Information Centre is scheduled for April 16, 2024 at the South Huron Recreation Center, 94 Victoria Street East, Exeter between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.
A Presentation to Council of the Master Plan findings and recommendations is anticipated in May 2024. A Notice of Study Completion is anticipated to be issued in May 2024 after the presentation to Council.
All current Opportunities for Public Input can be found at the top of the project page.
Public consultation is a key component of this study. The Municipality invites residents, agencies, and interested parties to participate in this planning process and learn more through attendance at a Public Information Centre (PIC).
For more information or to submit comments, please reach out to a member of the project team listed.
How can I find out about updates regarding this project?
This page will be updated as more information is available.
Documents and Reports
Contact Us
The Municipality of South Huron
322 Main Street South, P.O. Box 759
Exeter, ON N0M 1S6
Phone: 519-235-0310
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