Speaking Before Council


If you wish to speak with Council or a committee, please complete a Delegation Form. Correspondence must be received by noon on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled committee or Council meeting. Correspondence includes, but is not limited to, the following: letter, memorandum, report, notice, electronic mail, fax, petition, etc. The Clerk reserves the right to withhold any correspondence from the agenda, any item that may be considered inappropriate or offensive in nature.

Please ensure that any information that may be personal in nature is removed from this written material as it becomes a part of the public Council Agenda Package. Council receives the agenda package digitally, therefore, the Clerk requires any written materials be provided digitally (i.e., preferably be email).

Why can't I be put on the agenda tomorrow?

To meet the requirements for accountability and openness, sufficient notice must to be provided so that members of the public are aware of what will be discussed at the meeting. Council also needs to know the reasons you are attending and staff need time to generate background information. This notice period is outlined in the Municipality's Procedural By-law.

Privacy Notice

Be advised that Council and Committee meeting agendas, minutes and all information presented at an open meeting are public documents and are published on the Municipality of South Huron website.

When communicating with the Municipality of South Huron, be aware that your correspondence or delegation materials, (together with your name and address), may be included on the Council or Committee meeting agenda and subsequently appear on the corporate website.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk at 519-235-0310.


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© 2020 The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6