Become a Third Party Advertiser | ||||||||
A person, corporation or trade union must register with the Clerk from May 2 to October 21, 2022 if they spend money on advertisements or other materials that support, promote or oppose a candidate in the municipal election, or question on the ballot.
How to register In the next general election, registration to become a third-party advertiser will open May 2, and close on October 21, 2022. Third party advertisers must be registered in each municipality where they want to advertise. Those interested in becoming a third-party advertiser must file a Notice of Registration in person or by an agent. This Notice of Registration must be certified by the Clerk before any money can be raised or spent on advertising. There is no fee required to register as a third-party advertiser.
At the time of filing, this documentation must be provided:
Third Party Advertiser Criteria
Third Party Advertiser Guide For each municipal general election, the Province of Ontario releases a guide with information on registering as a third-party advertiser, advertising rules, financial filing requirements, and more. |
Important dates for 2022
- May 2, 2022: 1st day for candidates to file a nomination paper for the office of Mayor, Councillor, or School Board Trustee. Also, 1st day for an individual, corporation, or trade union to file a notice of registration as a Third Party Advertiser.
- August 19, 2022 @ 2pm: Deadline for candidates to file their nomination papers, nomination for a different office or withdrawal of nomination.
- September 1, 2022: Voters’ List available to candidates
- September 23, 2022: Final spending limits provided to candidates and registered third-party advertiser. Final self-contribution limit provided to candidates running for Mayor and Councilor (does not apply to School Board Trustee candidates)
- October 21, 2022 @ 4:30pm: Deadline for an individual, corporation, or trade union to file a notice of registration as a third-party advertiser.
- Advanced polls: Dates coming soon
- October 24, 2022: Voting Day
Important dates for 2023
- January 3, 2023: End of campaign period for candidates and third-party advertisers. Last day to file a Notice of Extension, Form 6, to continue campaigning to erase a deficit
- March 31, 2023 @ 2pm: Deadline for candidates and third-party advertisers to file the initial financial statement
- June 30, 2023: End of extended campaign period
- September 29, 2023 @ 2pm: Deadline for candidates and third-party advertisers to file the supplementary financial statement (applies only to those who extended their campaign period)