Cemetery Master Plan


Cemetery Master Plan

South Huron Council authorized the award of the Cemetery Master Plan to Hilton Landmarks (A Division of GSP Group) in 2020 through a competitive Request For Proposal process. Costs associated for the preparation of the Cemetery Master Plan were included in the 2021 approved budget.

The consultants worked closely with staff this past year to conduct their analysis of the Exeter Public Cemetery and to provide recommendations for the continued operation of the cemetery in a socially, fiscally, and operationally sustainable manner. Stakeholders and members of the public also took part of the study process by providing feedback on maintenance and operations of the Exeter Public Cemetery. 

The consultants have produced a final report that contains a detailed analysis of the municipality’s cemetery operations, outlines the issues facing the cemetery and provides strategic direction for the cemetery operations for the next 25 years and beyond. The final report was provided to Council at the August 30th Committee of the Whole meeting and includes the findings and recommendations of this project in more detail. 

Implementation Plan and Staff Reports to Council.

Numerous reports have been brought to Council for consideration throughout the Cemetery Master Plan process. Copies of these reports are available on the corresponding Agenda Packages, as outlined below:

  • Exeter Public Cemetery Update - staff report received at the August 12, 2019 Council Meeting. Item 10.4.5 on the Agenda Package.
  • Cemetery Master Plan RFP - staff report received at the November 2, 2020 Council Meeting. Item 8.4.2 on the Agenda Package
  • Cemetery Master Plan - Council Representative Stakeholder Interview - staff report received at the February 16, 2021 Council Meeting. Item 7.4.3 on the Agenda Package
  • Exeter Cemetery Master Plan - consultation presentation and report received at the August 30, 2021 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Item 4.1 o the Agenda Package.
  • High-level implementation plan - staff report received at the September 20, 2021 Council Meeting. Item 7.4.3 on the Agenda Package
  • Cemetery Service Fees and Charges By-Law Update - staff report received at the November 15, 2021 Council Meeting. Item 7.4.2 on the Agenda Package.


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© 2020 The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South P.O. Box 759 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6