The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial tribunal appointed by the Municipality of South Huron. Deriving its jurisdiction from the Planning Act of Ontario, the Committee of Adjustment is independent and autonomous from South Huron Council and Municipal Administration.
- To hear and make decisions on Applications for "Minor Variances" - where a requirement of a Zoning By-law cannot be met (under Section 45 of the Planning Act). This includes applications which deal with the enlargement or extension of a building or structure that is legally non-conforming or for a change in conforming use.
- To hear and make decisions on Applications for Consent to "sever" a property or for any agreement, mortgage or lease that extends for 21 years or more (under Section 53 of the Planning Act).
Application forms for minor variances or consent available on our Planning and Development page. The term of appointment for the Committee of Adjustment is the the same as the term of Council.
Purpose of the Committee of Adjustment
The Committee of Adjustment (COA) is a statutory tribunal with authority delegated to it by the Council of the Municipality of South Huron under the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act to hold public hearings to make decisions on minor variance applications submitted, pursuant to section 45 of the Planning Act.
The Committee operates independently from Council and its decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
The Committee of Adjustment will be composed of three voting members consisting of 3 members of Council.
The Council shall appoint all Committee members by By-law and the members of Council appointed to the Committee shall be appointed annually. Annually, the Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from the appointees.
The members of the 2021 Committee of Adjustment are:
- Councillor Oke
- Councillor Neeb
- Councillor Dietrich
The approved Terms of Reference outlines the objectives and responsibilities of the Committee of Adjustment. Agendas and minutes of the previous Committee of Adjustment meetings are available on the Agendas and Minutes webpage.